Tim has dazzled audiences all over the U.S.A. armed with powerful voice, thinking man’s lyrics, mesmerizing refrains, and his acoustic guitar, headlining and also opening shows for:
The Doobie Brothers
the Young Dubliners
Todd Rundgren
Lukas Nelson
English Beat
Edwin McCain
Duncan Sheik
Howard Jones
Dave Mason
Shawn Mullins
David Wilcox
the list goes on.
Tim has been selected among thousands to showcase at music conferences like Eat-M, Atlantis, Durango Songwriter, and Just Plain Folks. Feeling at home on any stage, Tim has performed at venues big and small from The House Of Blues to stadiums like Tucson Electric Park, and has even gained quite a following in Europe via live web-cast concerts on the internet.
If you happen to be hanging with the President on Air force 1, slip on the headphones and enjoy Tim's music among with artists like Dave Matthews. If not, you can catch him on American & United airlines or a College Radio Station near you.
“Independent Music World Series CD Compilation Winner” ‘99
“Folk Album Of The Year” Just Plain Folks 2000
“Best Male Performer” OCMAs ‘02
“Best In Fest” Temecula Valley International Film & Music Festival ‘04
“Best Male Artist” IEMAs ’05 ’06
“Best Pop Rock” IEMAs. ‘07
In Print: Featured in:
On-Stage magazine “The Art Of Selling Out”,
Gig Magazine
Acoustic Guitar magazine
Guitar Player Magazine
Performing Songwriter magazine
In Film:
The title track “Out Of The Blue” is featured in the 24Frames film Touchtone release “Easier Said”.
Done entire soundtracks for countless independent and student films